Category: Baby

  • Month 5 with Hudson

    Month 5 with Hudson

    At 5 months old, Hudson is a bundle of baby chub, drool, and pure joy. He smiles so hard at us, his whole body wiggles. I can’t even find the words to describe how awesome that feels. Often when I tell people how old he is, they’ll say, “oh, that’s such a fun age!” and…

  • Hudson’s First Christmas

    In what is possibly my biggest parenting fail to date (in all 4.5 months…) we have but one family photo of Hudson’s first Christmas. And while I’m really glad we have that one—many thanks to my sister in law!—it’s not even by a tree or a single, sparkly light. Ugh. Thankfully, we have the Driehaus…

  • Month 3 & 4 with Hudson

    Looking more like his daddy every day <3 Since I never did get around to that 3 month update (blame Trump) we’re just moving right ahead to 4 months. I remember reading about the concept of the “fourth trimester” when I was pregnant—the first three months after a baby is born when they’re so helpless…