Category: Pregnancy

  • Pregnancy: 28 Weeks

    It would be impossible for me to separate a scary food poisoning incident of this past weekend from any sort of update about the baby, so this will be a long one. On our beautiful, perfect-until-it-wasn’t babymoon, our whole group came down with terrible food poisoning. We can pinpoint it to one meal that we all…

  • Traveling Pregnant: Thoughts, Tips and Tricks

    I’m writing this in flight to Marco Island and while I still have two more flights on the horizon pre-baby, I’m weirdly obsessing about the fact that this is one of the last flights I’ll take before he’s here. I love that my little guy has gone so many places with me already. Together, we’ve…

  • Pregnancy: 26 Weeks

    Despite my first-trimester fears that I’d be pregnant forever, I’m somehow nearing the third trimester! I decided to start this blog to capture some of my impressions and feelings about this journey. My sister and I shared a blog for about a year and I loved looking back on those memories (and wish every day…