Category: Resources

  • Great Baby Gear for Babies 3 to 6 Months

    Having a baby rapidly accelerates the accumulation of STUFF, which can be an issue when space is at a premium. Joys of city living! So when we find things that are above and beyond awesome, it feels like: YES, this was worth it. I’ve said before but it’s worth saying again: the amount of things marketed…

  • The Chicago Children’s Museum and the Pritzker Playspace for Babies

    As of yesterday, the Beans are officially members of the Chicago Children’s Museum. Exciting times, my friends! I’d been scouring the internet looking for walkable baby music or gym classes (gotta maximize those between nap windows when we are still in three-nap-a-day jail) when I realized that I was forgetting about perhaps the city’s biggest…

  • 4 Lessons I’ve Learned From My Newborn Son

    Hudson is 3 months old! I can’t wait to share a 3-month post with more updates about life these days. But in the meantime, I’m feeling rather introspective (can I still blame hormones 3 months postpartum?) and have been thinking about how much I’ve learned in just three short months. We are so, so laughably…