Tag: summer

  • My Favorite Memories of the Summer of ’17

    I. cannot. believe. its Labor Day weekend. I had HIGH expectations for this summer, my friends, and I am happy to report that the summer of ’17 exceeded those lofty expectations. As is true of pretty much everything now when compared to the BH era, it was totally different than other summers in recent memory.…

  • Life Lately

    Chicago is really delivering on summer this year. It’s been the most beautiful one I can remember on the weather front, and we’ve had SO MUCH FUN already even though technically it’s only been summer for like.. 1.5 weeks. But come on, we all think of summer as June-August, right? Jason and I often talk…

  • The Summer of Yes

    I’m going to shock you with my opening statement: ten months is THE most fun age ever. (New readers, welcome. I have said some version of that sentence every month!) It’s suddenly like hanging out with a real, live person all day—a hilarious, top-heavy little person who’s started to give intentional hugs and say our…