“Sleep while you can!” and other thoughts from the weekend

Dinner with the family to celebrate my mama’s birthday!
Food poisoning has done to damper my pregnancy mango obsession.
Blitzen embraces the advice to “sleep while you can” at every opportunity.
Bump buddies! Being preggo with my best friend has been an incredibly fun and lucky experience. And we finally got a picture to document it!

This weekend was a busy one! Heading into weekends that busy always feels a little daunting, but I managed to get in enough rest to be heading into this week recharged.

On Friday night, I did a little shopping at Nordstrom and picked up a birthday gift for my mom along with a maxi dress and tank top for me. I was so excited about the dress and tank top in the store but once I tried them on again at home, I’m pretty sure their biggest appeal was that they fit me — so they’re going back. I’m finding it harder to purchase maternity clothes right now: why not just wait?

I grilled chicken breast and made a big kale salad for Jason and I, finally feeling my appetite back at 100% and wanting to eat some healthy food for dinner. We crashed early after watching a Frankie and Grace marathon, and I slept for about 10 hours.

Saturday we had dinner plans for my mom’s birthday in the burbs, but we didn’t have to leave until about 3:30. I’m apparently “nesting” because I spontaneously cleaned out the closet in the second bedroom, which will be the nursery. That particular project has been hanging over my head for weeks, thinking about how much it was going to suck but a pretty key step to getting things organized in there for our little man. We threw out and donated about 10 bags of stuff (which always causes me to wonder – what the heck was I hanging on to that for in the first place?!) and I also attacked our junk drawers in the kitchen. Feels SO good for that to be done!

Dinner with my family that evening was great — both the food and the company. My sweet tooth seems to have popped up lately and while my dinner was great, I had a carrot cake for dessert that really rocked my world! Sunday I fed that sweet tooth again at my friend Anna’s bridal shower with cake and a cookie. I think I’m going to try to do a no-sugar challenge this week to get myself on the right track.

I spent yesterday evening reading about the third trimester (definitely feeling the increased sleepiness again, but I wonder if it ever really went anywhere?) and lounging with Blitz and J. J grilled us dinner and we headed to bed when it was still light out for some more Netflix until I tucked in for another 10 hour sleep.

How do the weekends go so fast?!

On the “sleep while you can” front –

I mentioned this to J yesterday. I am constantly baffled by the advice to “sleep while you can!”

I understand it in theory: we won’t be getting much of it the first few months that the little guy is here. But do people really mean that advice literally? Sleep, to the best of my knowledge, is not cumulative over days and weeks. If I slept for 12 hours 3 days in a row then pulled an all nighter, I would still be tired the following day. Right?

I’m clearly not against getting a lot of sleep in general as I’ve slept more over the last 9 months than I ever have before.

A friend on Facebook posted that she wished she had listened to that advice in the last week before her baby came and instead of going to yoga and massages and lunch with friends, had just slept. Like, what? What good would that have done you, really?

Is it just a thing people say, particularly once they’re through to the other side of it? A badge of honor of sorts, that you’ve made it through?

I’m writing this down partly in hopes that I return to this post and laugh at/smack myself for not understanding it all. But at this present moment, this phrase is a top contributor to my general irritation with people only talking about and playing up how terrible/horrible/no good/very bad it is in the early days. I’m sure I have a lot to learn, and my beloved sleep will be completely and totally disrupted for a while. But maybe, I won’t look back and wish I had slept more before he came. Maybe I’ll remember how tiny he was and how much we loved him. I’ll catch up on sleep eventually, I won’t die. We’ll figure it out as we go, I’m sure, but I hope when the fog has cleared for me, I’ll just tell people to try to enjoy their time pre-baby, and that the early days that will go so fast so we should all try to enjoy that too. Sleep will come.

Cheers to a new week, friends!

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